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流媒体工具箱:推动生活, MediaMelon和Ryff


T我关注的是广告界的产品. 推动生活 is used to deliver live broadcasts to multiple destinations while providing customized branding for monetization on different platforms or in different regions. MediaMelon’s Smart­Sight for Ads delivers detailed analytics and QoE for ad-supported content. 虽然这两种产品都满足了现有的市场需求, 最后一款产品——ryff——打算创造一个全新的市场.


推动生活是一种管理, templated service for delivering live streaming to multiple destinations simultaneously, 为每个端点创建自定义输出. “You can have different outputs with different distributions from different timelines,内森·泽拉法说, 推动生活的产品主管. “It gives our clients the opportunity to potentially sell sponsorships and advertisements for different regions or platforms, 特别是对于大型音乐活动.”


推动生活 makes it easy to take a single live stream and deliver a customized stream to multiple endpoints.

推动生活 works with concerts and sporting events and powered the 2020 Democratic National Convention’s live social channel streaming. 它还与微软等公司合作, EA, 和华纳音乐提供个性化服务, 用于新闻事件的带水印流.

用户可以使用调度特性,也可以手动调度流. Zerafa说:“您可以通过编程方式为不同的源添加更改。. 在支持的内容类型中,包括多个摄像机输入, 保险杠, 错误, 覆盖, 较低的三分之二, 存档的内容与时间戳同步,或者在特别的基础上实时推送. “(赛事)可以在多个嘉宾广告位上转售, 类似于传统电视, 但我们正在把它带入全球网络领域, 使用不同的平台和技术,泽拉说。.

媒体播放器处理用户预先上传到平台的视频资产, and clipping tools allow users to clip in and clip out and then export sections to MPEG-4. 用户还可以在时间轴中添加书签.

将实时输出推送到实时消息传递协议, 以及Facebook等平台, YouTube, 抽搐, 和潜望镜. It also includes application programming interface (API) input for social measurements like views, 评论, 以及反馈给制作人的实时反馈. 虽然推动生活不支持4K输出,但他们只是增加了1080p输出.

最近, Mexican singer Alejandro Fernández delivered eight customized streams that were fed into a paywall player. 这些信息流的目标是巴西、阿根廷、墨西哥、哥伦比亚和北美. 每一个都有不同的品牌, 包括赞助商百威英博, 哪些公司在这些地区向不同的市场销售不同的啤酒.

Sponsorship can be shown on 较低的三分之二, 错误, or other types of 覆盖 or graphics. There’s one preview window for checking content and a second window to monitor the live broadcast. 推动生活运行在AWS上,并通过AWS Elemental进行摄取. “We host our own rendering engines on EC2 elastic cloud compute and services,泽拉说。. “每个发行版都有自己的渲染引擎.”

观众期望的是定制体验, 根据Zerafa, and 推动生活 is building its own player to allow for full audience targeting with localized chat and a Shopify connection to local currencies. 推动生活不公布其定价.


MediaMelon’s SmartSight for Ads provides real-time video analytics for ad-supported viewing. Customers use this platform to ensure they are maximizing their revenue potential and have visibility into what viewers see. 然后他们可以采取行动来改善观众的体验.


大多数分析服务关注的是视频质量, 但MediaMelon的SmartSight for Ads提供了对广告体验的洞察.

“当你有广告支持的视频, 经验以另一种方式发挥作用,Kumar Subramanian说, MediaMelon首席执行官. “The reason people come to our platform is to get visibility on experience and be able to be informed on what they should do to improve engagement.”

SmartSight for Ads用于视频和广告业务, 市场营销也是如此, 产品, 客户服务团队. 它可以通过仪表板或API访问, or it can push reporting out to a business intelligence tool to provide data for helping understand a root-cause an­alysis. Its 产品 and marketing tools include the ability to determine what kind of content is licensed, 目标受众是什么?, 以及观众流失的原因.

SmartSight for Ads can scan millions of concurrent streams and create real-time insights, 以及深入到一个特定的观众会议. “如果一个观众打电话说昨晚有很多缓冲, 服务代表可以转到特定的会话[和]特定的用户, 我们以一种基于隐私的方式来查看用户到底发生了什么,Subramanian说. “This is very powerful to diagnose when you have problems and see exactly what causes [them].”

However, sometimes it’s good to know about problems without having to do anything. “如果只有少数几次会议(存在问题), 你不必太担心, but if something was a very popular thing and [the problem impacted] a hundred thousand viewers, 这是一个值得关注的问题,Subramanian说.

内容质量测量包括kpi平均游戏时间, 球员的错误, 独特的观点, 启动延迟, 缓冲比率, 平均码率, 然后开始失败(当内容无法播放时). 在整个行业,启动延迟往往是2.5-3秒,而缓冲平均约为2%. 该工具的QoE部分已经上市2年多了, 而广告分析部分已经问世6个月了.

广告, MediaMelon可以追踪未被填充的广告, 广告被观看的百分比, 如果广告太多或者相同的广告太多,观众就会流失. 收集填充率的其他测量值, 广告持续时间, wrong-sized豆荚, or specific ad-server delivery problems to show if each ad server is returning the required amount of ads. Streaming services can compare various ad servers to see if any particular service isn’t delivering ads or if an error is triggered by a specific VAST tag.

SmartSight for Ads支持所有OTT平台. 我看到的演示很容易理解,非常直接. Media-Melon不提供公开定价.


Ryff intends to disrupt advertising by delivering digital 产品 placement opportunities within existing content. 其平台, 普莱瑟, creates these advertising inventory opportunities by using AI to find spots to digitally insert 3D images into original content. 它可以放一杯饮料, 一盒麦片, 或者其他任何包装好的商品, 说, 厨房的桌子. “我可以渲染一个3D模型,使它看起来好像总是在一个场景中,Ryff首席执行官罗伊·泰勒说.


看看咖啡、铝箔和电池? 它们并不是真的在砧板上. Ryff将品牌整合图像无缝地放入视频场景中.

其结果是大规模的个性化广告库存, combining the power of cloud GPU rendering with 3D 产品s viewers may have an affinity for. Ryff可以基于任意数量的属性提供个性化, 比如地域或文化差异.

如今,植入式广告是手动的,品牌几乎无法控制. “There’s a $20 billion 产品 placement industry, which is growing 14% a year,泰勒说。. “We’re sensitive to the fact that I knock on your front door or come into your house, 把你那了不起的艺术品从墙上拿下来, 我在上面画画,请你重新挂起来,他说.

首先要找到有就业机会的地方. “我们可以在几分钟内消化数小时的内容. 例如, 亚马逊大概有70个,在Prime Video上有5000小时的内容,泰勒说。. “我们可以在八周内消化并提供所有库存.”

据泰勒说, “[We] suggest to you as a content owner or the network that there are places in your content where we believe we could deliver some brands that would support the narrative.在一个19集的样剧里, 里夫发现总共有1个,297秒额外品牌整合机会. “我们平均每集有28秒, 其中包括32件物品和12件我们称之为海报的物品——任何平面悬挂图像. 它可以是一台电视,一幅画,一块广告牌,”泰勒说.

The main question I had when watching Ryff’s demonstration is how many 产品s could be inserted without it being overwhelming. “The final decision is not ours, it’s the content owner or the network and the brands. Our recommendation is two per episode for TV or three for an hour-long film,泰勒说。.

The 3D 产品 placement items are rendered to match the target frames within a piece of content, 所有的处理都在客户端完成, 无论观看者是使用高端还是勉强坚持, 报废流媒体设备.

“We did a program with a major alcohol brand, which we put into a number of films that 圣诞节期间播出, 与一家拥有自己的流媒体平台的主要内容提供商工作室合作,泰勒说。. “在消化了成千上万小时的内容之后, we have not had any of our 产品 insertions recognized even a single time by a consumer.”

里夫的路线图包括为程序化购买提供库存. 该公司不提供公开定价.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

流式工具箱:Vistex GTMS, Agora, Transmit

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A trio of 产品s and services tailor-made for today's work-from-home streaming producers and engineers, combining pro-quality live streams with cloud-based content management and multi-CDN edge delivery.
