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Best of CES 2024

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Going to the 消费电子展(CES) is like looking for a needle in a haystack when it comes to finding media technologies among the 4000+ consumer electronics exhibitors at the 11 official venues in Las Vegas. 当我上周参加CES 2024时, the word “consumer” in the trade show title should have been the hint that this might not exactly be the optimal location to look for professional streaming solutions. 为了研究的兴趣, I walked 32 miles in four days (including 1 day where the most I did was walk from one meeting room to another on the Aria-Cosmos-Vadra five-star hotel hospitality suite circuit).

TV of the Future

展会上最引人注目的是 LG’s Signature TV 他们的77英寸超高清透明OLED屏幕. They had a matrix of monitors which continually had an audience in front of them watching as the TV toggled from transparent to opaque. 通过电视看东西需要一点时间来适应. The set has what the company is calling “motorized contrast enhancement technology [which] selectively displays essential elements, 增强透明度和3D效果.” This dual viewing experience transitions to black screen or transparent when needed. If you don’t want to always have a large screen hovering over your living room, this could by your new TV because the chameleon properties really are something else.

LG 77" Signature TV

Genning Around

Neuroid 他们的技术获得了今年的CES创新奖, 它使用生成式AI为Roblox创作者创造3D和4D运动. 用户可以输入文字描述来创建各种动作. There’s also an asset store 具有可编辑的模型运动,包括攀登, dance, fall, idle, jump, kick, run, sport, stunt, and walk. 每个动作都可以按菜单购买. 例如,“坐下来聊天”需要花费1美元. My search showed 24 movements per each of the 874 pages, with prices up to $3 per. 这是一个完美的工具,可以轻松、经济地创建内容.


Cinfo 是我在CES的app上找到的一家公司吗. 他们有一款名为tiivii的新一代人工智能电视产品. Their pitch: “95% of sports and cultural events are never broadcasted due to high costs of production. tiivii is the solution: an affordable system …[to] broadcast all kinds of events. 多亏了人工智能, 摄像机跟随动作,并自行调整镜头. 您还可以使用我们基于云的Studio自己管理制作.”


A minimum studio software demo account for one hour of production is 75 euros. You can add voice-overs, graphics, transitions, replays, PiP, 同时分发到多个发布点, and advertising. RTSP和SRT支持在笔记本电脑或移动设备上使用.


你是否在3D世界中感受到了2D? The Arti AR product is a platform for creating 3D graphics for video (or presentation) with no hardware of design skills needed. They have a library of elements which can be customized, and they offer a free 14-day trial. Their pitch: “We combine your live video with 3D cloud rendering to create a live, 混合现实场景,更有吸引力的网络研讨会, zoom calls, sales or training videos.”

arti ar

AR/XR glass manufacturer Jorjin makes the lenses for their product as well as selling the lenses to other glassware manufacturers. 该公司的新产品是J8L AR眼镜. These glasses allow for what they call optical see-through plus AR/XR viewing in a 1080p resolution. 使用这种产品需要一些时间. 扬声器和麦克风在眼镜的两侧. There’s no way you can test the audio function in a room of thousands of people, 所以我想说的是质量待定. Also at their display was samples of glass styles which could be manufactured in a variety of styles.


Take Me to Your Robot

在德国科技馆,我发现了创业 Wheel.me with a product that, 而不是为媒体行业营销, 能在我们的生态系统中找到几个用例吗. This Genius 2 product is a four-wheel autonomous platform made in Norway that can make anything into a mobile device. Imagine using a platform made of four Rumbas which are programmed to work within a certain area either to carry around camera gear or allow for remote camera transport to follow someone around.

wheel me

What Latency?

V-Nova had a display at a press-only event showing off their new PresenZ format and MPEG-5 LCEVC. The company calls this the first photorealistic volumetric movie format that allows 6 degrees of freedom (6DoF) and immersive cinematic experiences using lower-bitrate encoding. 该演示通过VR头显呈现,展示了一场令人惊叹的3D恐龙大战. In fact, 如果让我在透明电视和这个之间选择的话, 我很乐意观看用他们的编解码器制作的内容. Their tech is focused on supporting mass market adoption by streaming wirelessly to headsets. The ability to move around without getting disoriented and beautifully sharp detail made the experience very realistic, 如果沉浸在VR体验中是你喜欢的事. Even if it’s not, the cloud-rendered compression looked great in the demo (this is not a technical evaluation, just an observation).


Their marketing pitch: “The cloud rendered scene can be compressed using V-Nova point-cloud compression and streamed with LCEVC. This provides a game-changing upgrade to the XR video and gaming experience by simultaneously increasing resolution and quality whilst reducing the required bandwidth.”

Livery pitches itself as an interactive video cloud to provide interactivity to livestreams for iOS, Android, and Web apps. 他们正在使用ul - cmaf,并声称玻璃到玻璃的延迟时间为1-3秒. 它们提供了添加倒计时的功能, live reaction, chat, polls, voting, leaderboard, announcements, ratings, product info, social sharing, prediction, Q & A, presenter view, themes, and mobile UI according to their own explainer video. 他们的网站上有很多解说视频, but weirdly, there was no audio, 所以看起来他们的优势在于非语言交流.



CameriFI Live 引起了我的注意,因为他们承诺连接单反, camcorders, 无人机和更多的一体化直播应用程序. The app provides control of multiple types of devices from an iOS or Android device. 30天的免费试用提供了一个高质量的直播工具. 需要一个带有hdmi到uvc转换器的外部摄像头连接. The app supports RTMP and SRT output, plus overlay support for images, text, audio, and chat. Maximum resolution, amount of devices, memory required, battery life, and many more of those pesky technical questions are not answered on their website, so buyer beware, but realistically, it’s free, 所以你有什么好损失的?

camerafi live

Dynamic Video Creation

Infuse Video is being pitched as a video developer SaaS platform for building real-time personalized video. 内容可以根据资产块或文本指令拼接在一起. The result is the ability to create custom content or find that interesting segment within a longer video clip, build themed content, 创建其他语言的剪辑, 或者基于包括位置在内的第一方数据创建个性化内容, device, time of day, QR code, or third-party data. 生产要么没有代码,要么没有API.

infuse video

CES Innovation Awards 

ces innovation awards

我是CES内容和娱乐类的众多评委之一. 以下是我在媒体技术领域的一些赢家:

ZenScreen Fold OLED, Asus – first 17.3" foldable monitor. 1.1 Kg. DisplayHDR真黑500认证. 2个USB C和mini HDMI接口

PIXELL, 4BY4人工智能解决方案视频质量优化噪声模式, color, 模仿人类视觉的清晰度和分辨率, trained on hi-res video. 音调:更低的比特率,更好的质量

BluOS 4.0App provides wireless multi-room audio management and streaming to any BluOS-enabled system

Audio CU Wireless speaker solution controlling up to 32 channels and delivering Dolby Atmos

AI Xperience, Imki -沉浸式3D音频的大型场馆没有耳机

LG内容推荐 —根据语音ID对不同用户进行个性化设置

Veeps All Access – Subscription service providing hundreds of live and on-demand concerts and performances of top artists

DTS Play-Fi家庭影院无线传输12声道声音.

TiVo OS -  OS for TV manufacturers. 他们的卖点是:利用内容关系实现内容优先的方法, 提供优质的全球和地区内容以及TiVo+频道. 

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